Live for today, learning from yesterdays mistakes so that you don't make them tomorrow.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Frustration and success

In attempting to finalize the assignment I have met with a lot of frustration which at times made me wonder whether or not I was on the right track. Simple formatting issues almost drove me insane in using the tool I've chosen for implementation into our curriculum. After successfully firguring out what it is that I was doing wrong, I had one of thos 'eurka moments' and realised that acutally using the tool I'm expecting students to use is a way of executing the evaluation of it. Let me clarify that, finding problems within the fairly simple tool has highlighted areas that I need to bring to the attention of students and staff during the design and development phase. This once again illustrates the inter-connectivity of the ADDIE model and also shows how important it is for staff to become 'well-versed' as it were with the product they're punting.

Another issue I have been faced with is realising how never-ending the evaluation process and subsequent cycle of the ADDIE process can become. At what stage do we stop the process, if any? When have we evaluated something to death?????????

Therefore, though frustrating, I think I've succeeded in harnessing my frustration and converting into learning points, which is what I hope the students will do as well!

1 comment:

  1. I totally identify with your frustration both about the ability to implement a project that you have invested so much energy in, with that implementation so frequently restricted by institutional constraints or scheduling difficulties with involved parties.

    I similarly identify with your frustration with the technical aspects with the use of certain tool (which in my case was the use of an online questionnaire / quiz for self-assessment following a learning action).

    Finding the right tool / using that tool effectively is a challenge that I found particulalry frustatrating within an e-learning environment, and was most likely a reflection of my lack of skill in this arena. But as you said, this aids in the evaluation process and drives our learning, so there is value in this process. Well done for persevering!
