Live for today, learning from yesterdays mistakes so that you don't make them tomorrow.

Friday, July 16, 2010

De-mystifying the Design

After a really heavy week at home and at work, I've finally had some time to reflect on the Design aspect of the ADDIE process. I have come to the conclusion that the incorporation of an e-learning component into the curriculum requires us to use both the theories of teaching and learning along with the prinicples of change management. It has been a really enlightening experience to realise that so many of the modules we have already completed in the MPhil program are finally being incorporated into one, aptly dubbed (I think), T & L tool which can be seen as the way of the future. So, in de-mystifying the design, it is necessary to include all stakeholders, adopt an Appreciative Inquiry approach in the change management plan to the constructivist pedagogy of the PBL module into which the e-learning tool will be integrated into the curriculum!
LOL, that was a mouthfull, even for me!
I think I'll stop there before I hurt a brain cell :)


  1. In commenting on a fellow classmates' blog, I just had another 'ah ha' moment.....
    I thought that Analysis and Evaluation would take the most time. However, remembering what we learnt in the curriculum analysis module earlier this year, it can be extremely labour intensive to actually design a curriculum or a component of one. The development and implementation is likely to bring up the 'bugs', but the actual evaluation, analysis and design are going to require the most time and effort from those driving the project.

    Ok, think I've done enough thinking and reflecting on my own posts :)

  2. I love the background in your blog!

  3. Integration is key, and you are verbalising it beatifully! I like the linking you do to the rest of the programme, and to see that e-Learning could have some kind of "gelling" effect w.r.t. the programme as a whole.
    The design could indeed take more time than the Analysis and evlauation, but in this module's case it need not. This is why we are stressing that you choose compact projects that can be written to completion (in theory at least).
    Best of luck for the week. May your workload be less (although I doubt it as the semester is in full swing again), and may you have many more reflective insights (without hurting any more brain cells).
