Live for today, learning from yesterdays mistakes so that you don't make them tomorrow.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Delving into the development

Ok, so it's mostly downhill from here. Just two more weeks to go and then the finished product should be there for all to see!

Just a quick recap.....
I am using the ADDIE model to facilitate the process of introducing e-learning into the 3rd year curriculum in a formalised manner. The ultimate goal is for the current PBL module, i.e. Applied Physiotherapy, to build on the constructivist and collaborative learning environment already created and use the e-learning tool to allow for a clearer understanding of the cognitive processes involved in developing learning materials.

So, how is this going to be developed in a very full curriculum, one in which students are already struggling to adapt to the shift from didactic lecture-based learning environments, to a PBL environment?

As I see it, the issues which need to be addressed are:
  1. Who is involved? (all stakeholders)
  2. What content is included?
  3. Where does this fit into the curriculum?
  4. What is the roll-out plan?
  5. How is this going to be assessed?
  6. What is it going to cost?

I've been struggling with this step, as what I've seen in my reading is not as helpful as the literature has been on the other steps of the ADDIE model. The articles all seem to describe this component almost in a basic "business plan" type of language. Something like, 'this is done by so-and-so, using that to do this which costs that for this or that purpose.'

My biggest challenge right now, is how to present this proposal for an e-learning tool............. Maybe I should just use the tool to put the entire ADDIE process to those who need to see it? Now to get them to put the necessary software onto their pc's so that they can all be amazed at how simple e-learning can really be :)


  1. I think I know what the secret tool is ... although I wont bet my money on it yet.

    Your sensitivity to design, process, technology and clear learning outcomes (at least bigger ones) is great.

    Some more info on the Design phase to be found on the Big Dog - Little Dog site (accessed from CritcareNurse's blog - is useful. Check: .

    To arrive at "how simple e-learning can be" asks for a lot of work, but it will pay off in the end.

    Keep going, we are over half-way

  2. Thanks JP.....I think I'm starting to feel that I'm reaching the end, but still not 100% sure that I'm on the right track (kind of how I've felt with every module, right up until I receive feedback on my assignment!).....

    I'll check out the links, I think my poor brain cells are actually starting to spark right now, or maybe the noise I'm hearing is the cv joints and the wheels are about to fall off! LOL....

  3. Dear Physiokeiller
    I am reading your blog, because JP suggested we should. You mentioned an element of e-learning that I have not paid attention up to now: e-learning must also incorporate the basic principles of good teaching and learning. I was so preoccupied with all the technical aspects of e-learning that I forgot for a moment that I must also keep in mind how students learn. I the case of my project, it will be how adults in the work force learn. This will be a challange to me, because up to now I have only ever worked with students.

  4. Hi there Bugsy....
    I can offer a very simple theory to address this issue.....Androgoy. It's not a true learning theory but Androgogy does address so many of the issues relating to how adults learn. I am sure you'd be able to apply this to your project.

    Good luck!
