Live for today, learning from yesterdays mistakes so that you don't make them tomorrow.

Monday, July 5, 2010


Ok, so what now? I'm knee deep in work, the results chapter of my thesis and now we need to start applying our minds to the E-learning module! I honestly don't know how I'm going to do it! Firstly, there's going to have to be quite a bit of reading and re-reading of the contact week "notes" just to remind myself of what exactly this ADDIE model is....cause honestly, I'm clueless right now.

On the plus side, I actually kinda know what it is that I'm going to do for my e-Learning module! So, hopefully, at the end of these four weeks, I can say....E-learning = mE-learning!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lianne, good to see you up and a-"posting"! Gerard also spoke of the clash between research project and e-Learning, so I hope it does not destract from the wonders and joys of what I think e-Learning could be. As I told Gerard, I think the trick is to choose a project that is small and specific (and not a whole curriculum) so that one can easily describe the ADDIE process on your own work/ thoughts. Reflection is also crucial, and that is why the blog becomes your journal of discovery into your own process.

    Good luck with your module. Looking forward to your mE-learning (like it!) project.
